Paul Steckley Family Law
B.A. (Hons), LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor, Notary Public
I graduated from York University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Classical Studies in 1994, and from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University with a Bachelor of Laws in 1997. I was called to the Bar in Ontario in 2000 and have practiced law on a full-time basis ever since.
My practice has, since 2000, been mainly restricted to family law, as well as some wills and estates work. I am a member of the Peel Halton Collaborative group. I have a great deal of experience in all types of family law matters. My goal generally in all my files is to negotiate a favourable settlement on behalf of my clients, and I have been very successful in doing so throughout my career. The vast majority of my cases have settled, sometimes early in the proceedings, or even without the need to involve the Courts. This is a boon for the parties involved as they save themselves the expense (both monetary and emotional) of being involved in a lengthy Court proceeding.
I offer unbundled services for certain matters, please contact me to discuss this as an option.
On the few occasions when settlement has not been possible, I have successfully represented those clients at trial or contested hearings, as the following cases attest:
(Please note that past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and that the outcome of any litigation matter will vary depending on the particular facts of each individual case.)